Neuro-Science AG encounters Secrets of the Brain in Art Exhibit

The Artechouse in Washinghton DC was the appropriate named venue for the presentation of the interactive art exhibition, "Life of a Neuron."

This groundbreaking collaboration between artists and neuroscientists created the first immersive representation of the brain through technology-based art. Using interactive and visually exciting solutions, students were shown how the brain deals with addiction, stress, and social media, among other things.

This field trip was indeed thought-provoking!

Steffi Colopy
(STEM Coordinator)

Student Report:

Just before our lunch break began on December 15, 2021, we headed to the Artechouse in Washington DC. Right when we got there, there was a fire drill and luckily, we had 20 min left to eat.

Then we were finally off. The Artechouse looks beautiful from the inside. First you come into a big bright hall with interesting music. In this room you could experience the life of a brain cell from beginning to death through digital projections on all walls and even the floor. You could just sit in the middle of the brain, so to speak, and see what happens.

Nearby was a cocktail bar displaying the impact certain ingredients have on our brain waves.

In another room, we saw on monitors the different phases of the brain when it becomes addicted. You could really experience how it gradually disintegrates.

Another exhibit showed how the brain registers the what the eye picks up. We could observe ourselves walking through the room and by doing that trigger visible brain waves. Very effective!

The next room featured stress on one side and fear and anxiety on the other. The stress side was very loud and had irregular flashing bright lights; you could only stand it for a short time because so many different things were happening at the same time.

The Worry and Anxiety room had a kinetic sculpture. The figures backed away if you got too close to them, just like in real life.

All the rooms were so cool and there were so many different details to see.

It was a great experience! We hope to go back for the next Artec House exhibit.

Karla N. and Sophie T. (10b)

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