Message from the School Nurse

Dear Parents and Guardians,

It has been wonderful meeting all the parents and children this year and I would like to thank everyone for such a warm welcome at the GISW.  I would also like to thank all the parents who submitted their children’s health forms.

Here is a reminder about medications:

If your child needs medication (both prescription or over-the-counter) administered during school hours, please remember that an signed by both you and a physician is necessary for me to give your child the medication.  I can receive an email/faxed form directly from the physician if needed.  The medication must also be brought to the nurse’s office in the original container with the child’s name on it and clear instructions as to when and how to give the medication. 

Also, if  your child has an allergy and has been prescribed an epinephrine pen for a possible anaphylactic reaction, an (IHP) form as well as an form, needs to be submitted along with the child’s own epinephrine pen.  Although these are similar forms, the Allergy plan is given to the appropriate teachers and staff and the IHP remains in the nurse’s office.

All forms can be found on the school’s website under CAMPUS LIFE > Health Room > Admissions-Related Health Forms.

I look forward to a healthy and happy school year for everyone!

Rebecca Horning, BSN-RN

School Nurse

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