
New Science Resources in the Library

As part of the STEM/MINT program of the GISW, the Library also has a STEM/MINT section with books about conducting experiments, biographies of famous scientist, inventors, and engineers, and non-fiction titles for the students to explore these areas on their own.  In addition to the titles already owned by the Library, the following books have been added to the library collection this year: 

Challoner, Jack. Maker lab
Cobb, Vicki. Science experiments you can eat
DK. Geniale Entdeckungen und Erfindungen
Enzensberger, Hans Magnus. Der Zahlenteufel (extra copies)
Vaas, Rüdiger. Einfach Hawking!
Tyson, Neil deGrasse. Astrophysics for people in a hurry
Tyson, Neil deGrasse. Startalk
Gilliland, Ben. How to build a universe
Grönemeyer, Dietrich. Der kleine Medicus
Was ist Was:     
Planeten und Raumfahrt
Computer Science:
Isogawa, Yoshihito. LEGO Mindstorms EV3 idea book
Mojang. Minecraft guide to: Redstone
Jelley, Craig. Minecraft medieval fortress: exploded builds
Milton, Stephanie. Minecraft: guide to exploration
Jelley, Craig. Guide to Minecraft: Creative
Milton, Stephanie. Minecraft: guide to the Nether & the End
Young Rewired State. Die Jagd nach dem Code
Vorderman, Carol. Programmieren supereasy
Novelli, Luca. Galilei und der erste Krieg der Sterne
Novelli, Luca. Edison und die Erfindung des Lichts
Shetterly, Margot Lee. Hidden figures (young readers‘ edition)
Venzke, Andreas. Humboldt und die wahre Entdeckung Amerikas
Stine, Megan. Who was Marie Curie?
Novelli, Luca. Marie Curie und das Rätsel der Atome
Leland, Melvin. Chasing space (young readers' edition)
Novelli, Luca. Archimedes und der Hebel der Welt
Kathryn Deschler


Anika N. (10th grade) expresses delight to our librarian Ms. Deschler about the remarkable book "Hidden Figures".
Teo. T (2nd grade) is building a Lemon Volcano during his Schüex- AG.
Now he studies about a real volcanic eruption.

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