Scifest: Great excitement for the students of 5b

Hello, I am Katja from 5B and I am reporting on the online science fair called SciFest. You can see at   . We visited this website during our NAWI lesson with Ms. Colopy.

The fair is divided into 9 sections:

- Chemistry

- Educators Resource Hub

- Energy

- Engineering & Tech

- Girls Invent Lab

- Health and Medicine

- Intelligence & Security

- Natural Sciences Zone

- Space & Aviation

In the introduction video there is a tutorial on how to browse the site. The main page is the lobby, from where you can enter all areas. Each area has different information stands with videos, texts, tasks and games, allowing you to learn about your favorite topics.

The more areas you visit and knowledge you collect, the more points you earn. Your points are shown on a leaderboard; The players with the highest number of points win prizes. First place gets a 3D Printer, second place gets a Lego Education Set and third place gets a Coding Quadcopter Kit. But don't get your hopes up too high. You will have to work quite a bit for it! At the moment, the leader of the leaderboard has already collected 200,000 points! But it's still a lot of fun and very educational to visit the show.

I especially liked the "Girls Invent Lab" area. You can read about various women and learn what girls have created. My favorite video is about drones and robots. An area of the site where you can learn cool tricks is called "Stem Stage." It is divided into "Impossible Science" and "Strange Evidence." Under "Impossible Science" you can find a video about the Magnus Effect. It explains why rotating bodies can rise when they fly. Another great section is "Space & Aviation." This site is very cool in design. It reminds me a bit of the Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C..

If any of this interests you, check it out for yourself! To do so, you'll need to pick up an "Access Code" from Ms. Colopy, then you can register until November 25. Have fun!

Katja N. (5b)



This week in NAWI class we visited the USA Science & Engineering Festival. Unfortunately, we were not able to attend in person, but we were there virtually.

At a portal, we were able to choose our favorite topics. After clicking on one, we entered a themed world, as if through a magic door. It's similar to a digital menu, filled with movie reviews, video games, instructions for experiments and funny ideas. For example, how to build a working "ram rocket" or how to hold a "mold growth contest." While participating in different projects, everyone collects points as a competition; the first prize is a 3D printer.

Hopefully, we will soon be able to do all the experiments ourselves and visit the festival for real.

Matthias S. (5b)

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